It's about time for an update. Jack thanks his loyal readers who keep visiting the site the past five (gasp! 5!) months of no new update. The site visit trackers registered quite a number of loyal visitors, thanks again.
At first I stopped blogging because that was a period of decision and changes which I'd want to keep silent. A bit no manners to be broadcasting that you threw in your letter when you know your colleagues read your blog, no? That was a sad decision and I was not up to explaining the whys and etc etc until I was really sure.
So, I quit THAT job. Why?
1) I hate driving to KL.
2) I hate KL.
3) I dislike office with politics.
4) I had the chance to be 'inspired' by a talk by the big boss.
I've always said I'll have to sell Jack if I quit my job, so that's what I did next. We surveyed and he only fetches 32K in trade in, or 40k sell ourselves via MotorTrader. 20k+ depreciation in 1.5 years... ouch.
So, I sold Jack. Why?
1) Monthly payment is RM762, which is a bit high to go with my massive book-spending habits. I got him when I was a bachelor with no priorities in life. Now I'd rather keep the money and buy a nice house with a large-enough garden space. And library space tee-hee.
2) Petrol. Petrol. Petrol. Jack is a petrol-guzzler. Time to be smarter a bit and get a lower consumption car.
3) Jack is a bit of a no use. He was bought (prior to meeting car-man) to be a comfortable family vehicle to ferry around my parents when they come down. Now with car-man having nicer bigger faster more more more comfortable company car, Jack is almost always left behind to rot in the driveway. Makes sense to keep a smaller car that at least helps in the parking problem of our crowded neighbourhood.
4) Because I've said I'll sell him if I leave THAT company. What a motivator, but this sort of made up my mind.
So Jack is sold for 35K. To my mom. (Don't laugh. They sold me the house, didn't they? And yes my family is weird, you should know that already from knowing me). Now Jack is in the paint shop getting a full plastic surgery to repair the dents and scrapes before being shipped back to Sabah. In the meantime I'm having fun with his replacement:
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