Friday, May 06, 2005

May 5th

May 5, 2005. A lot of people were making a great to do about it being 05/05/05.The usual forwarded sms-es and yahoo messages. So irratating. I was a bit rude in return to some.

And what do you know? Jack hit 5555 km mileage on this day.

Mileage 5555 on 05/05/05.
Beat that, suckers.


Anonymous said...

I hope you werent freaky enough to drive around at 5 am just to hit 5555 km right on 05/05/05 05:05


sharkgila said...

Hahaha. I might be sick but not THAT sick la. After all my rantings over the people going hu-ha over a silly think like aligned dates that's highly unlikely.

Just 'luck' that Jack hit that mileage.