Friday, July 22, 2005

Kenny Jack-ed

Mileage : 11467 km

Kenny drove Jack to lunch and back. I was feeling a bit lazy to drive and Kenny didn't mind to, so it went. That brings to a grad total of 4 person excluding me who has ever driven Jack. (Ok, excluding all Kia sales and service people too, you politically correct readers you).

Big difference from Baby. Everyone and anyone had driven her. She was almost public property, plus she lived during the university days when not everybody owns their own wheels and car-borrowing is common. By one week old already at least a dozen people had driven her, mainly because at that time I couldn't drive and all those people were teaching me how to keep the car on the road properly.

Even with the small number 4, the occasion where Jack is driven by someone else apart from me is very few. Of the 4 'other' people, here's how the list goes
1) My brother
- he drove after I got my second scratch and was too pissed to drive back from wherever we were. And very few times after, mainly for family occasions
2) Car-man
- of course. If you date me I'd expect you to drive me around. Even when we take Jack instead of Eddy
3) Uncle
- down to Sitiawan and around there. I didn't know the way plus it was night and my night-sight is terrible
4) Kenny!
- to lunch and back. He says driving Jack is fun. Kenny likes riding Jack. (sick perv)


Obsius said...

haha.. that last line IS very suggestive :P lets not get them too attached now, shall we *grin*

Anah Shariff said...


SampahMan said...

Maybe he'll graduate to riding Jack's owner in the future.

sharkgila said...

sick perv! sick perv! all of you! esp double-meaninged Eddy. hahahaha