Sunday, December 04, 2005

Jack Probed

Annoyed with the 'THACK' sound Jack does everytime you turn his steering full to the left (or right, I can't tell), car-man takes him apart to check what's wrong with in Jack.

(no that's not our son)

Investigations didn't yield anything, unfortunately.
The annoying sound is still there.


Anah Shariff said...

that kid could easily pass off as your son.

Note : My cars squeaking steering has been fixed ! For RM 10 !!! Damn those bad service center ppl. They wanted me to pay RM 800.

sharkgila said...

yup annoying noises can drive you crazy. next I want to get rid of the warning peeps that sounds incessantly when the driver door is open.

Obsius said...

hey.. isnt that beep good? I mean it lets erm.. know that the door is *open*! :P

Anonymous said...

Try turning your key to the level just before the ignition. It should stop after the first few beeps.