Mileage: 34512 km
Jack goes to Sime Darby Convention Centre (huh? haha yes I didn't know this existed either) for Microsoft's
ISV Summit 2006. It was the usual subtle Microsoft propaganda, well-done as usual.
Matthew Hardman presenting Windows Presentation FoundationSpecial Note: Aaron Tan Dani is an exceptional speaker. If you attend any MS events in the future lookout and try a topic by him. He's got the experience + that special something that makes his talks extremely alive and interesting.
How is the seminar? many has asked. If you're a work-related person I'll give you the standard 'OK, some good presentations on new products' answer. On a more personal note I've achieved my main objectives in attending the event.
1) Meet people aka Build Bridges
I was a bit disappointed to discover my ex-company no longer runs the event, they lost the contract to another events suite. I was looking forward to meeting the old bunch, but another day/event then.
I met some ex-colleagues and some ex-schoolmates, so we traded stories and work-situations as usual. Completely bored waiting for the event to start, I struck up some conversation with some equally bored-looking persons. More stories and work-situations. Ha, now I have friend in the online banking system business.
2) Catch up aka Staying Current
Good to know the newest things around, since IT is a business that goes out of date very fast. Got a good look at Microsoft latest newest freshest developer tools.
I was quite curios about the Microsoft Team Systems, having come across this many times in stalking that blond-haired demigod of my past. (Hehehe. An obsession is hard to rid of). Now I know that
Team Systems is the best integrated software development platform to build the mission-critical applications that businesses depend on. It combines powerful new role-based tools, customizable processes and guidance and an integrated server to help teams drive predictability, visibility, and control into their software development process.
3) Learn new things
I learnt... to make sure to remember the floor you parked your car at. I remembered the location but forgot to note the floor. Had a fun time visiting all 3 levels of car-park looking for Jack. Thank goodness there's only 3 floors overall!