Monday, April 11, 2005

Jack earns Another Stripe

On the way to work today there was an un-explainable jam at the Subang toll. Cars were messily trying to nose each other in confusing no-line area at the toll. Things were a bit tight as we inched our way towards the toll booth.

A blue Iswara came close at Jack's right rear. The blur Ah Lian driving it obviously has bad judgment. She nicked Jack's rear a bit as she was trying to cut across the packed space (to where? only she knows. there wasn't much other place to go to)

I did come down to take a look. Cars were standstill anyway so I had time to come down and see and scare the Ah Lian. Not much damage, so I got back in car. Just checked that there's no visible dent. Made an effort not to look or talk at the girl, cause my fuse was close to blowing and I'd have been pretty nasty to her if I wanted to. But why spoil my Monday morning?

Did a thorough assessment of damage once safely parked in office building (and temper in check). Got minor scratches at the side of the previous scratch. Nice. My collection is just blooming. Now Jack’s got green and blue paint in pretty scrawls at the right rear bumper. Thanks, Ah Lian.

Yes, Miss Ah Lian was driving close to steering wheel. Next time... don’t know how to judge your car edges... drive Kancil enough la...

1 comment:

Obsius said...

now all we need is someone to invent an auto-repel bumper. Anyone kiss it, kena tendang like a pinball flipper whacking a ball *hahaha* will teach those hopeless suckers to learn better driving *sigh*