Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Jack tyre story - the other version

The below narrative on Jack blown tyre is lacking some details.
Here's some the left-out parts:

A friend commented that luckily the blown-tyre incident took place in a gas station, with help close on hand. Unfortunately quite the opposite took place.

The counter staff were extremely unhelpful. The guys on night shift looked particularly shifty, they had that mat malas look about them. It didn't help that car-man wasn't a particularly pleasing person to deal with - his shaved head with its scars prominently showing plus a pissed-foul expression scared them some maybe.

Service was pitiful. No offer of help, not even a bother to have a look. One mat malas replied rudely 'Encik cakap lain macam saya tak mau tolong'. Hahaha. Other laughable snippets of conservation:

'Tak tau siapa boss'
'Manager not on duty. Tak tau macam mana nak contact'
'Tak tau nombor telefon station. Saya baru kerja sini satu bulan'
'Baru kerja satu bulan. Tak tau apa-apa' [yes, this from a different guy]

Even if you were only mildly annoyed before, after the sullen faces, the original rude guy disappearing into office and refusing to come out, the buat-donno replacement guy at the counter you'd feel quite pissed too. Just like dining out at a restaurant, regardless of the food quality, bad service can make an exteremly bad day. The blown tyre ceased to be the issue (after all I had my car-man on hand hehe). The bad service was unforgivable.

There was one guy working at the pumps who had some service sense, thankfully. There was some drama of long faces and Mr.have-some-sense telling off his colleagues. Car-man wasn't too pleased about the incident, and knowing Shell high expectation standard on companies/station/dealers carrying their logo, he logged a formal complaint to Shell.

Shell dealt with the complaint very well, with impressive follow ups. Two days later car-man dropped by the station again, to collect a cheque of RM160 from the station owner as reimbursement for the tyre.

Now this is the real story of what actually happened.

Another laughable conversation for your entertainement. Upon collecting cheque from station:

'Encik, kenapa tukar sendiri. Bawa sini saya ada orang, ada workshop. Ini mahal.'
said with not too pleasant face and tone.
'Puan. Ini card saya, saya ada workshop sendiri. Ini harga dealer. Bukan mau buat duit dari puan, tapi servis staff puan banyak teruk.'


Anah Shariff said...

Hahaha i liked the postscript. its a classic.

Anyway, finally an update.


Anonymous said...

A useless metal rod that became a star of the moment. That opened a chapter in your life, made you interact with lazy 'bums' of pertol 'pumps'....hmmm that rhymes....
